Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ahhh crap, the master procrastinator is at it again. playin com while i should be studyin AKA now!

Prelims are total GG

no A.... no B..., and still got S

time to study Jack Ass!!!

grah, keep forgettin formula and yada yada yada, irritatin, cos its not lyk i dunno how but i can't rmb the bleddy formula, what the heck is a data booklet and formula list for w/o these things


and united also drew which doesn't help my mood.

Shit xia
A's in 30 + days


i need to recover my competitive spirit1
no more mr nice guy

rmb when i used to nvr allow myself to lose to anyone.... now.........

since i entered vj, i think i have been overawed. keep givijn myself excuses to lose to others!

last chance le!

Skillzter 07 time to return and skillzter 09? u can go to hell

As last said in 07, Lee jia de ren, wo shi dou hui da bai ni!!!